Thursday, August 29, 2013

Carpet Stain Removal

Juice and other Stains in the Carpet. These stains can also be very damaging if they are left to settle in your carpet. Besides being dark in color, fruit-based liquids are also very acidic. Using a rag or towel, you want to soak up as much of the wine as possible, and then pour cold water over the stain to dilute it.
Then, apply the towel again to soak up the remaining water. Once you have diluted the stain, mix a paste of baking soda and water and allow it to dry over the stain. The paste should be vacuumed up once it has thoroughly dried.

Carpet stain removal is frustrating, but rest assured that most stains can be eliminated using things you already have in your home. If you have a large area to clean, or you are worried about damaging your carpet, consider calling in a professional

